Linen Sizes - Choosing the right tablecloth

Here is a general guide to determine the appropriate size linens for your event.
Round Cloths:
90" - Hangs floor length on 30" table; Has a 27" overhang on a 36" table; Has a 21" overhang on a 48" table; Has a 15" overhang on a 60" table; Has a 9" overhang on a 72" table.
96" - Hangs floor length on a 36" table; Hangs 24" on a 48" table; Has an 18" overhang on a 60" table; Has a 12" overhang on a 72" table.
108" - Hangs floor length on a 48" table; Has a 24" overhang on a 60" table; Has an 18" overhang on a 72" table.
120" - Hangs floor length on a 60" table; Has an 24" overhang on a 72" table
132" - Hangs to the floor on a 72" table.
Banquet (rectangular) Cloths:
54" X 120" - Hangs about half way on a 6' table; Hangs less than half way on an 8' table.
90" X 132" - Floor length on a 6' banquet table.
90" X 156" - Floor length on an 8' banquet table. Square Cloths:
54" X 54" - Usually used as a decorative piece to cover waiters stands or risers on buffet tables
81" X 81" - Usually used as a decorative top for a 60" or 72" table.